Monday, January 17, 2011

Dear Blog,

Today marks Day 1 of Christopher and I doing P90X. We need to take "before" pictures (although I am not sure that I will want to post them for all the world to see). Day 1 went fairly well. We are actually doing 2 different programs (he is doing regular, I am doing lean) but we work out at different times anyway and we can still support and encourage each other. Plus, we can eat healthier together. Today is January 17th, so 90 days from now is April 16th. Easter is right around then, so hopefully I will look good in a (new!) Easter dress. :) I really want to feel better and have more energy for my kids too. I am tired of being tired all the time.

I will have to work around naps, today I got interrupted 5 times (3 phone calls, Henry up from his nap and one feeding) and then I didn't finish the last 10 minutes because Henry decided it would be a good time to just start screaming. But otherwise I had a great workout.

Hey, I gotta get in shape to have another baby right? ;)

Other news: we are not moving until June now so we have a few more months here in Savannah with our friends and our house. Hopefully this will give us more time to find a renter or to sell the house. This delay was definitely an answer to prayer for us!

I have no other news right now or exciting tales to tell. Well, I go but I can't think of them and I want to finish my lunch so I am off. Maybe more later....


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Dear Blog,

Happy New Year! I have to say that while the beginning of 2010 went really slow the end of it (June-December) went super fast. I can't believe Christmas and New Year's is over already. We had a fantastic Christmas, Wesley was so much fun this year and it was great having two little ones. While family still bought them way too much stuff, they actually did better this year and all got them savings bonds also. It was just the four of us (and a whole lot of skyping) but it was great. Seeing Wesley's reaction to getting an AT-AT was priceless, I think this is the first Christmas he will actually remember years down the road. We tried to keep is simple but I think that next year we are going to try to make it even more simple (all simple, no complicated! HA! Do you like the tie-in to the title of the blog?). We are going to work on fewer gifts from everyone (even Santa) and I think Santa will leave a lot of the gifts unwrapped. So, I guess we made a "Christmas Resolution" this year, for a simpler, less commercial Christmas next year. A year focusing on the real meaning of Christmas, the gift from God of his son, our salvation. I am also working on a "12 Days of Christmas" type thing to learn about the story of Jesus' birth, much like the Resurrection Eggs we do at Easter. Details to come....

New Year's Eve was low key but fun, we had friends over, appetizers, snacks, Scrabble and Phase 10, champagne and sparkling cider and sparklers and fireworks at midnight. I can't believe we all stayed up that late!

2011 will bring lots of changes for us. We are moving probably at least twice, first up to Virginia and then we don't know after that. We plan on enjoying our time up there and hopefully we can find someone to rent our house VERY soon. We are simplifying as we go too. Since we are only taking some stuff with us it is really making up go through everything and decide what we really need/want to keep and what can go. We are hoping for a fresh start this year, new friends, new homes, new things to do. We will be very sad to say goodbye to all our friends here. Savannah has become quite a home to us, a place where our two boys were born, where Wesley has gone to school, where we have a church we love, a place close to the beach and stores we like and Disney World. We have been through two deployments here, had our first company command, my first time as an FRG leader, being part of a spouses club a PWOC.  We bought our first house here and learned a whole lot in the process. We saw snow in Georgia (global cooling! I knew it!).  I doubt we will ever move back here but I do hope to visit again one day, this second home to us, a place we have come to love and have created lots of good memories in. It will be so sad to say goodbye to our first home, our first house.

But, new adventures are on the horizon and we can't wait to see where 2011 will bring us. New home, new friends, maybe another baby?  Oh, and I am not going to resolve to blog more this year, because let's face it, as soon as I do that I blog for like  3 days and then not again for the rest of the year. I will resolve to make better choices for my family, to live my life to the fullest for the next year. To take advantage of the choices and new experiences we have in front of us. I will stick with my library book resolution (only getting books from the library and only buying if I really love it and will read it over and over again).

I hope you have a wonderful new year. Till next time,


Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Wesley and the AT-AT

Henry on his first Christmas.